Friday, December 20, 2013

Brew by Bill Braddock

Synopsis:  A small college town turns into a murderous den of destruction one night after a massive football game.  We follow a slew of colorful characters from the start of the devastation to the end.  A "green" conservative group of radicals decides to spike the local brewery with a homemade chemical concoction that will turn the drinkers poop green.  What this group does not know is that the chemist is a mad man with a revenge plot against pretty much everyone and modifies the compound to turn everyone into zombies instead.  The next 24 hours turns into a survival story of epic proportions.  Enjoy the ride.

My review:  I loved this book.  Let me preface that this book is disturbing and disgusting and fantastic.  I did not know before getting into this book that it was about zombies, well flesh eating, sex-crazed, pain inflicting, 24 hour temporary zombies to be exact.  Once again a zombie book where the word zombie is not used once.  Great writing throughout.  Great character building.  I also loved that this author was willing to kill off some main characters, well almost all of them to be exact.  Some of the scenes were so well written I can still picture them in my head.  This is the first book written by Bill Braddock, and I hope for more books sooner rather than later.  One thing I will note, as mentioned slightly above, is that this book is not for the faint of heart and  is not for everyone.  I love reading books that push the limits of what we think is acceptable, and this book does not disappoint.  Enjoy if you dare.

My rating: 7
Pages: 273
Author website:

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